Do I need to get a referral before I see one of the Specialists?

YES the Specialist Doctors can’t see you without an INTRODUCTORY REFERRAL. 

NOTE referral lasts for 1yr from a GP (from another Specialist only 3m) and Medicare requires a current referral to issue a rebate on your appointments.



Are you a private or bulk billed clinic, also will pension or disability card discounts apply?

We are private specialists - for bulk billed & discounted Endocrinology services ask your GP TO REFER you to the HOSPITAL’S OUTPATIENT SERVICES.



Can I use my private health insurance to claim?

We claim a REBATE for you through Medicare and in most cases a private insurance claim will not apply but we are happy to provide you with a receipt for you to make your own enquiry.  Private health can only be claimed for Diabetes Nurse Educators and Dietitians.



What are the costs?

The INITIAL appointment is always the most expensive, however the Medicare REBATE is also INCREASED. Please contact the rooms to discuss.



Can I see a Specialist via Telehealth?

YES!  We do offer TELEHEALTH and it does suit Endocrinology well.  It needs to be done via VIDEO to qualify for a Medicare rebate.



Can my child see one of the Specialist?

We are Specialist to ADULTS and our doctors have a hard cut off from approx 16-18yrs old.



How long is the wait time?

Generally, we book patients within WEEKS or months.  We run a WAIT LIST and move people up often. 



What do I need to do before the appt?

Your REFFERING DOCTOR will generally have a good idea if they want further testing before your appointment.  Have the testing done ASAP in case we can get you into an earlier appointment.








Can I get my patient in for an urgent appointment?

YES mark the referral and / or CALL the rooms and request an urgent appoitment. We work closely with the recommendation of colleagues.



What type of service do you provide for Specialists looking to engage your service?

We provide a full range of high-quality modern services, chosen by our senior practitioners. Ideal for a Specialist looking to fast track or expand their private practice.  Please contact Baldur by email for more details.